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Figure F8. Cartoon illustrating selected features of the three CORK borehole observatory systems installed during IODP Expedition 301. Approximate total depths (TD) listed in meters subbasement (msb) are correct as shown, but drawings are not to scale and do not indicate precise locations of casing, cones, packers, sampling and monitoring lines, or downhole instruments. Hole 1026B was created during ODP Expedition 168, whereas Holes U1301A and U1301B were created during IODP Expedition 301. All three CORKs monitor multiple depth intervals. The CORKs in Holes 1026B and U1301A monitor shallowest basement and the zone between the casing packer and the seafloor CORK seal. The CORK in Hole U1301B monitors three basement intervals, with the uppermost interval including the interval that extends to the seafloor seal. Instruments deployed at depth in all three CORK systems include various numbers of osmotic samplers for fluid chemistry, microbiological incubation substrate, and autonomous temperature loggers distributed within basement. See Fisher et al. (in press) for additional details regarding CORK configuration and deployment.
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