Figure F22. Detailed bathymetric map of Sites U1373 and U1374 on Rigil Guyot and three neighboring guyots or seamounts at 28.2°S, 28.7°S, and 28.8°S. GMT-generated bathymetric map is based on a combination of SIMRAD EM120 multibeam data collected during the AMAT02RR site survey expedition aboard the R/V Roger Revelle and is merged with global predicted bathymetry (v8.2) from Smith and Sandwell (1997). Dredge locations from previous cruises are indicated by open squares. Crossing multichannel seismic reflection lines collected during the AMAT02RR site survey are shown in blue (for details see Koppers et al., 2010). Map uses a linear projection based on WGS-84.
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