Figure F19 (continued). GG. Bottom of the Bowen RCJB used for Runs 19 through 21. Note the spring fingers of the catching structure inside the tool. HH. The RCJB was deployed in Runs 19 through 21 with two EXJBs and one BSJB. This picture shows the junk basket tower being assembled on the rig floor. II. The RCJB on its return to the rig floor after Run 19 recovered four large cobbles of granoblastic basalt and rock pebbles. JJ. Jets on the outside of the RCJB, just above the tool bit. These grooves in the metallic body of the tool were formed by high-pressure water flow when reverse circulation was activated at the bottom of the hole (compare with the new tool in N). The picture was taken at the end of Run 20 (i.e., after a total of four runs for this tool). (Continued on next page.)
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