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Table T1. Abbreviations used in the "Color" column of the AppleCORE core description sheets.

Term Acronym
Very light vlt
Light lt
Medium light mlt
Moderate/Medium med
Medium dark mdk
Dark dk
Very dark vdk
Very pale vpl
Pale pl
Dusky dsk
Very dusky vds
Brilliant bri
Vivid viv
Strong str
Deep dp
Very deep vdp
Black BK
Blue BL
Brown BR
Cream CR
Gray GY
Green GN
Orange OR
Olive OL
Pink PK
Purple PU
Red RD
White WH
Yellow YE
Buff BF
Bluish bl
Brownish br
Creamy cr
Grayish gy
Greenish gn
Orange or
Olive ol
Pinkish pk
Purplish pu
Reddish rd
Whitish wh
Yellowish ye
Mottled mo
Spotty sp

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