THIN SECTION: "U1301B-1R-1, 14-18 cm (Piece 2)" TS # 1 Unit:1A "OBSERVER: MS, RC" ROCK NAME: Basalt-hyaloclastite breccia WHERE SAMPLED: Hyaloclastite GRAIN SIZE: Clay and clasts TEXTURE: Breccia PRIMARY PERCENT PERCENT SIZE (mm) APPROX. MINERALOGY PRESENT ORIGINAL min. max. av. COMP. MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS GROUNDMASS Plagioclase Tr Tr <0.3 Euhedral to subhedral Microlaths in the fresh and altered glass. Glass SECONDARY SIZE (mm) MINERALOGY PERCENT min. max. av. REPLACING / FILLING COMMENTS Saponite 10 "Matrix of hyaloclastite, vesicles, and mesostasis" Brown to brown-gray color. Zeolites 2 Carbonate 1 VESICLES/ SIZE (mm) CAVITIES PERCENT LOCATION min. max. av. FILLING / MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS Vesicles Tr Even 0.2 0.3 0.25 "Saponite, zeolite, and pyrite." COMMENTS : "The matrix of the hyaloclastite consists of saponite, zeolite, and carbonate. Pyrite is present in the altered glass."