THIN SECTION: "U1301B-19R-1, 132-134 cm (Piece 19)" TS # 36 Unit:7A "OBSERVER: RC, MS" ROCK NAME: Moderately olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase phyric basalt WHERE SAMPLED: Pillow interior (alteration halo) GRAIN SIZE: Cryptocrystalline TEXTURE: "Hyalo-ophytic to intersertal, glomeroporphyritic." PRIMARY PERCENT PERCENT SIZE (mm) APPROX. MINERALOGY PRESENT ORIGINAL min. max. av. COMP. MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS Plagioclase 1.8 1.8 1.5 3.8 1.5 Euhedral to subhedral "Occurs singly, but more commonly in monomineralic, bimineralic, and polymineralic glomeroporphyritic clots with pyroxene." Clinopyroxene 5 5 1 2.5 1.3 Subhedral to anhedral Normally in glomeroporphyritic clots or associated with plagioclase laths. Olivine 0 1.6 0.8 1.5 0.6 Euhedral to subhedral Completely replaced by green to brown saponite + Feox / iddingsite. GROUNDMASS Plagioclase 29.2 29.2 <0.5 Euhedral Laths and needles. Clinopyroxene 10.7 10.7 <0.3 Subhedral to anhedral Occurs singly or attached to/intergrown with plagioclase. Olivine 0 3.8 <0.3 Euhedral to subhedral Completely replaced by clay + Feox. Mesostasis 26 51.6 SECONDARY SIZE (mm) MINERALOGY PERCENT min. max. av. REPLACING / FILLING COMMENTS Saponite 5 "Olivine, mesostasis, vein" Brown to green color in the vesicles and olivine phenocrysts. Celadonite 2 Vesicles Hematite / Feox 5 Vesicles VESICLES/ SIZE (mm) CAVITIES PERCENT LOCATION min. max. av. FILLING / MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS Vesicles 1.3 Even 0.1 1.9 0.6 "Saponite, Feox, celadonite" COMMENTS : "Two veins are recognized in the alteration halo, and consist of saponite, hematite / Feox and celadonite. The vein composition varies along its length, with zones of: hematite /Feox; saponite+hematite /Feox; and hematite /Feox+celadonite fill."