THIN SECTION: "U1301B-27R-2, 38-40 cm (Piece 6)" TS # 44 Unit:7C "OBSERVER: RC, MS" ROCK NAME: Moderately olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase phyric basalt WHERE SAMPLED: Pillow interior GRAIN SIZE: Cryptocrystalline TEXTURE: "Intersertal to intergranular, glomeroporphyritic." PRIMARY PERCENT PERCENT SIZE (mm) APPROX. MINERALOGY PRESENT ORIGINAL min. max. av. COMP. MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS Plagioclase 3 3 0.3 1.2 1.2 Euhedral to skeletal "Occurs as lath, and mono- and poly-mineralic glomeroporphyritic clots with olivine + pyroxene. " Clinopyroxene 1 1 0.3 1.5 0.4 Subhedral to anhedral Present as glomeroporphyritic clots associated with plagioclase laths. Olivine 0 1 0.3 1 0.6 Euhedral to subhedral Completely pseudomorphed by brown saponite. GROUNDMASS Plagioclase 35 35 <0.3 Euhedral Microlaths and needles. Clinopyroxene 28 28 <0.3 Euhedral to anhedral Occurs singly or attached to/intergrown with plagioclase. Olivine 0 3 <0.3 Subhedral Mesostasis 25 27 SECONDARY SIZE (mm) MINERALOGY PERCENT min. max. av. REPLACING / FILLING COMMENTS Saponite 4 "Olivine, mesostasis, vein" Brown to green colored in the vesicles. Celadonite 2 "Olivine, vesicles, vein" Feox 2 "Olivine, vesicles, vein" VESICLES/ SIZE (mm) CAVITIES PERCENT LOCATION min. max. av. FILLING / MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS Vesicles 2 Even 0.1 0.5 0.3 Saponite COMMENTS : Alteration halo (10 mm) across corner of thin section.