THIN SECTION: "U1301B-36R-1, 29-32 cm (Piece 4)" TS # 53 Unit:8C "OBSERVER: MS, RC" ROCK NAME: Moderately clinopyroxene-plagioclase phyric basalt WHERE SAMPLED: Vein GRAIN SIZE: Cryptocrystalline TEXTURE: "Spherulitic hyalo-ophitic, glomeroporphyritic, vesicular" PRIMARY PERCENT PERCENT SIZE (mm) APPROX. MINERALOGY PRESENT ORIGINAL min. max. av. COMP. MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS Plagioclase 3 3 0.2 2 1.2 Euhedral "Laths and stubby crystals, and in mono- and bi-mineralic gromeloporphyritic clots. " Clinopyroxene 2 2 0.2 0.8 0.4 Euhedral to subhedral "Occurs singly, but more frequently in glomeroporphyritic clots or associated with plagioclase laths." GROUNDMASS Plagioclase 10 10 <0.2 Euhedral to subhedral Microlaths. Clinopyroxene 5 5 <0.2 Euhedral to anhedral Occurs singly or attached to/intergrown with plagioclase. Olivine 0 4 <0.2 Euhedral to subhedral Completely replaced by saponite. Mesostasis 73 74 SECONDARY SIZE (mm) MINERALOGY PERCENT min. max. av. REPLACING / FILLING COMMENTS Saponite 5 "Olivine, vesicles, vein" Brown to green in color. Feox Tr "Olivine, vesicles, vein" VESICLES/ SIZE (mm) CAVITIES PERCENT LOCATION min. max. av. FILLING / MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS Vesicles 2 Even 0.1 0.5 0.4 "Saponite, Feox" COMMENTS : "0.1-2 mm-wide veins, with branching 'off-shoots'. Walls of the thicker veins are lined with pale brown granular clay (saponite?), the center of veins are not preserved in the thin section. Narrower veins are filled with granular saponite, and decrease in width across the thin section."