THIN SECTION: "U1301B-4R-3, 138-140 cm (Piece 13)" TS # 8 Unit:1C "OBSERVER: RC, MS" ROCK NAME: Sparsely plagioclase phyric basalt WHERE SAMPLED: Chilled contact GRAIN SIZE: Cryptocrystalline TEXTURE: "Glassy, spherulitic, hyalo-ophitic, glomeroporphyritic, vesicular" PRIMARY PERCENT PERCENT SIZE (mm) APPROX. MINERALOGY PRESENT ORIGINAL min. max. av. COMP. MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS PHENOCRYSTS Plagioclase 3.5 3.5 0.3 3 1.8 Euhedral to skeletal "Occurs singly, but is more common in monomineralic clots." GROUNDMASS Plagioclase 8.2 8.2 <0.3 Euhedral Laths and needles. Clinopyroxene 2.9 2.9 <0.3 Euhedral to anhedral Olivine 0 5.2 <0.3 Subhedral Mesostasis 48 51.5 Including opaque minerals. Glass 15 17.4 "Fresh, transparent, pale brown. Contains rare spherulites, grades to the variolitic zone." SECONDARY SIZE (mm) MINERALOGY PERCENT min. max. av. REPLACING / FILLING COMMENTS Saponite 8.2 "Olivine, mesostasis, vein, vesicles" Fibrous/round in shape. FeO(OH) 1 "Olivine, vesicles" Pyrite Tr Mesostasis and glass Zeolite 2.9 VESICLES/ SIZE (mm) CAVITIES PERCENT LOCATION min. max. av. FILLING / MORPHOLOGY COMMENTS Vesicles 1.4 Even 0.1 1 0.7 "Saponite, Feox" COMMENTS :