Figure F1. Provenance of minerals and mineral groups based on ~2000 surface samples quantified with the same XRD measurements and subsequent QUAX determination after Vogt (1997) and Vogt et al. (2002). Qz = dominant, s = subdominant. Star = approximate ACEX site position. See the “Sites M0001-M0004” chapter for detailed core positions, bathymetry and oceanography. White arrows = downslope sediment transport mainly through troughs. Alm = almandin, C(Fe) = Fe-rich chlorite, D = dolomite, Hbl = hornblende/amphibole, I = illite/mica, blue K = calcite, red K = kaolinite, Kfs = K-feldspar, Mg = Mg-rich calcite, OLEM = mixed-layer clay, Plg = Plagioclase, Pyx = pyroxene, Qz = quartz, S = smectite, Sid = siderite. BG = Beaufort Gyre, EGC = East Greenland Current, Lomo = Lomonosov Ridge, TD = Transpolar Drift, TDsib = Siberian branch, WSC = Westspitzbergen Current.
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