Figure F24. Age model construction for the last 3.4 m.y. at Site U1313. A. Global benthic oxygen isotope stack (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). Numbers indicate marine oxygen isotope stages. B. Lightness (L*) and magnetic inclination splices for the upper 160 mcd. B/M = Bruhnes/Matuyama; Jar. = Jaramillo; C.M. = Cobb Mountain; Old. = Olduvai; and M/G = Matuyama/Gauss. C. L* and benthic oxygen isotope stack vs. age (0–1.7 Ma). D. Sedimentation rates for the time interval 0–1.7 Ma. E. L* and benthic oxygen isotope stack vs. age (1.7–3.4 Ma). F. Sedimentation rates for the time interval 1.7–3.4 Ma.
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