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Figure F180. A. Gray vein in troctolite (interval 305-U1309D-233R-2, 51–75 cm). Yellow box = location of B and C. B. Gray veins crosscut by serpentine foliations (Sample 305-U1309D-233R-2, 70–73 cm) (cross-polarized light; field of view [FOV] = 2 cm). Yellow box = location of D. C. Same as B; plane-polarized light. D. Gray vein consists of serpentine, chlorite, and tremolite (or actinolite), with little evidence of deformation, and is crosscut by serpentine foliation (cross-polarized light; field of view [FOV] = 5.5 mm). E. Same as D; plane-polarized light. (Continued on next page.)

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