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Figure F12. Pore pressure measurements, Site U1322. Hydrostatic pressure calculated starting from the seafloor assuming a seawater density of 1.024 g/cm3. Bulk density data from shipboard moisture and density measurements (MAD) were integrated to calculate the overburden stress. The static pressure caused by the water column above seafloor was subtracted from the pressure results. A. Porosity obtained from shipboard MAD measurement. B. Last recorded penetrometer pressure measurement (Table T2). C. In situ pore pressure estimated by 1/t extrapolation (Table T2). D. In situ pore pressure estimated by 1/√t extrapolation (Table T2). Red = Type I deployment, blue = Type IIA deployment, green = Type IIB deployment. T2P = temperature/​dual pressure probe, DVTPP = Davis-Villinger Temperature-Pressure Probe.

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