Table T1. Common symbols used in text.
Symbol | Definition |
g | Gravitational acceleration, 9.8 m/s2 |
z | Burial depth in meters below seafloor (mbsf) |
H | Depth below sea level, m |
L | Sample length, mm |
εv | Vertical strain in the tests, % |
εr1 to εr4 | Horizontal strains in the tests along four directions, 45° apart, % |
εvol | Volumetric strain in the test, % |
K0 | Stress ratio during uniaxial strain, dimensionless, K0 = Δσh′/Δσv′ = (3 – ηK0)/(3 + 2 · ηK0) |
λ* | Maximum overpressure ratio, dimensionless, λ* = P*max/σvh′ |
ηK0 | Stress ratio during uniaxial strain, dimensionless, ηK0 = Δ(Δσ)/Δσm′ |
ρg | Sediment grain density, g/cm3 |
ρw | Seawater density, g/cm3, ρw = 1.035 g/cm3 |
ρb | Sediment bulk density, g/cm3, total weight/total volume |
η | Sediment porosity, %, volume of pore fluid/total volume, η = (ρg – ρb)/(ρg – ρw) · 100 |
Pw | Hydrostatic fluid pressure acting on sediment, MPa, Pw = ρw · g · H |
Pf | Total pore fluid pressure acting on sediment, MPa |
P* | Excess pore fluid pressure, MPa, P* = Pf – Pw |
P*max | Maximum pore fluid pressure in excess of hydrostatic water pressure, MPa, P*max = σvh′ – σy′ |
σv | Total vertical stress, MPa, σv = (ρb – ρw) · g · z + Pw |
σv′ | Effective vertical stress, MPa, σv′ = σv – Pf = (ρb – ρw) · g · z + P* |
σh′ | Effective horizontal stress, MPa |
σvh′ | In situ effective vertical stress for hydrostatic pore pressure, MPa, σvh′ = σv – Pw = (ρb – ρw) · g · z |
Δσ | Differential stress in tests, MPa, Δσ = σv′ – σh′ |
σm′ | Effective mean stress, MPa, σm′ = (σv′ + 2 · σh′)/3 |
σy′ | Effective vertical yield stress in tests, MPa |
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