High resolution pore water samples were extracted with Rhyzon samplers from whole-round U1322-1H1 prior to splitting the core to avoid oxidation. Although this step may preserve reduced dissolved species such as sulfides, the procedure may potentially modify the physical properties of the sediment. Possible alteration to physical properties was assessed by comparing multisensor track (MST) data before (filled symbols) and after (open symbols) Rhyzon sampler pore water extraction. With the exception of P-wave velocity (D), there was no apparent systematic change in bulk density (A), noncontact resistivity (B), or magnetic susceptibility (C). P-wave velocity (D) systematically increased after pore water withdraw by an average increased velocity of 13.0 m/s. The initial MST results indicate that pore water sampling affects at least one MST physical property and therefore it is recommended that MST be conducted prior to Rhyzon pore water extraction. Further comparison of moisture and drying (MAD) and porosity are to be conducted to determine whether pore water sampling further alters physical properties measured after the core is split.