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Table T5. Checklist for structural geology descriptions.

Term Explanation
Brittle structures

Veins (V)

Magmatic/Late magmatic (Vm), Hydrothermal (Vh)

Orientation of vein


Depth of vein



Planar (Pl), curved (Cv), irregular (Ir), sigmoidal (Sg), stepped (St), T-shaped (T), Y-shaped (Y), splayed (Spl)

Vein array geometry

Conjugate, network, en echelon, anastomosing, riedel

Vein density (N/10 cm)

No vein, slight, moderate, high, complete

Fabric of the filling minerals

Fibrous (Fb), vermicular (Vr), blocky (Bl)

Vein mineralogy


Average width and length


Crack and seal structures and number of vein-opening events


Occurrence of alteration halos


Crosscutting relationships


Apparent magnitude of offset


Apparent sense of shear


Fracturing and/or shearing of veins


Joints (J)


Orientation of joints


Depth of joints



Planar (Pl), curvilinear (Cv), anastomosing (An), T-shaped (T), Y-shaped (Y), splayed (Spl), stair-stepped (St)

Occurrence of alteration halos


Crosscutting relationships


Joint array

Conjugate, network, en echelon

Joint density


Plumose structures


Faults (F)


Orientation of faults


Depth of faults


Magnitude of the apparent offset


Apparent sense of shear

Dextral (dx), sinistral (sx), reversal (r), normal (n)

Slickensides and slickenlines


Crosscutting relationships


Average thickness of the fault zone


Occurrence of alteration halos


Occurrence and type of fault rocks

Magmatic and crystal-plastic structures

Brittle-plastic fabrics (Bp)


Intensity of fabric


Orientation of foliation


Crystal-plastic fabrics (CPf)


Intensity of fabric in retrograde assemblage


Orientation of fabric

Orientation of foliation and lineation

L-, LS-, and S-tectonite


Shear sense indicators

Block-rotated porphyroclasts, asymmetric augen, SC fabrics, discrete shear bands, mica-fish, tension gash arrays

Sense of shear

Reverse (r), normal (n), dextral (d), sinistral (s)

Mineralogical segregation or banding


Magmatic fabrics (M)


Intensity and orientation of magmatic fabric

Orientation of foliations (Mf) and lineations

Minerals that define the shape and/or crystallographic preferred orientations


Angle between crystallographic and shape fabrics


Orientation of subfabrics


Compositional layering (Cl)


Type of layering

Grain size layering, compositional "modal" layering (Cl)

Thickness of layers


Orientation and density


Igneous contacts (Ic)


Concordant or discordant


Crosscutting relationships


Intrusive relationships, relative chronology of the different fabrics


Angle between compositional layering and magmatic or crystal-plastic fabric

Breccia (Br)

Type of breccia

Hydrothermal (Bh), magmatic (Bm), or tectonic (Bc)

Clast features


Volume percent

Percent clasts vs. bulk rock

Size range

Maximum-minimum average size


e.g., angular, subangular, subrounded, rounded


Monomictic, polymictic


e.g., internal crushing, veining, fracturing; preferred orientation


Alteration halos in the clasts


Well sorted, moderately sorted, poorly sorted

Matrix features


Volume percent

Percent matrix vs. bulk rock

Grain size

Coarse, medium, fine


Lithology and/or mineralogy compared with clasts


Veining, fracturing, preferred orientation, shearing


Alteration in the matrix

Cement features


Volume percent

Percent cement vs. bulk rock


Mineralogy (? hydrothermal)

Occurrence of veins network associated with breccia


Occurrence of contact with the host rock and its orientation


Crosscutting relationships of veins/fractures with respect to matrix and clasts


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