Figure F266. Altered phenocrysts. A. Clinopyroxene phenocrysts replaced by actinolite and chlorite, and plagioclase replaced by albite (Thin Section 18; Sample 312-1256D-179R-1, 5–9 cm; 1290.55 mbsf) (plane-polarized light; field of view [FOV] = 2.25 mm). B. Same as A; cross-polarized light. C. Plagioclase phenocryst replaced by calcite, secondary feldspar, and minor chlorite in highly altered dolerite (Thin Section 36; Sample 312-1256D-196R-1, 32–33 cm; 1364.02 mbsf) (plane-polarized light, FOV = 1.12 mm). D. Same as C; cross-polarized light.
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