Figure F281. Granular assemblages and veins (Thin Section 49; Sample 312-1256D-205R-1, 10–14 cm; 1382.20 mbsf). A. Granular assemblage and veins (plane-polarized light; field of view [FOV] = 4 cm). B. Vein of actinolitic hornblende and minor magnetite, plagioclase, and quartz, with a magnetite band at edges of vein (plane-polarized light; FOV = 3.2 cm). Vein is flanked by a composite halo with a light gray inner halo (see D for detail) and dark gray outer halo (see E for detail). C. Detail of a vein of actinolitic hornblende, magnetite, plagioclase, and quartz with magnetite at the edges (plane-polarized light; FOV = 4.5 mm). D. Equigranular assemblage of plagioclase, actinolite, and magnetite in the inner light gray alteration halo (plane-polarized light; FOV = 0. 6 mm). E. Equigranular assemblage of plagioclase, dusty clinopyroxene-actinolite, actinolite, and magnetite in the outer dark gray alteration halo (plane-polarized light; FOV = 0.6 mm). F. Equigranular assemblage of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, magnetite, and very minor actinolite in the host basalt (plane-polarized light; FOV = 0.6 mm).
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