Figure F295. Flow structure and magmatic shear zones in gabbros. A. Magmatic flow foliation and textural banding (Section 312-1256D-232R-1 [Piece 5, 70–99 cm]). Flow foliations are defined by textural and color banding of dark minerals. B. High-temperature shear zone (Section 312-1256D-223R-3 [Piece 1]). Textural banding is offset by a shear zone. C. Large format (5 cm × 7.5 cm) thin section of Sample 312-1256D-232R-3 (Piece 1A, 1–6 cm). D. In thin section view of C (FOV = 4.5 mm), elongate plagioclase pod is completely recrystallized along the shear zone.
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