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Table T2. Operation acronyms.

Acronym Definition Comments
APC Advanced piston corer Coring tool
APCT Advanced piston corer temperature tool APC coring shoe with thermistors for making temperature measurements
BCR Bi-centered reamer Bit used to open holes to a larger diameter than the bit diameter
BHA Bottom-hole assembly Bit, thick-wall joints of pipe, and other parts that are at the bottom of the drill string
CADA Cam-actuated drill ahead Casing running tool made by Drill Quip
DDI Downhole Designs, Incorporated Company
DP Dynamic positioning Shipboard navigation system
EOP End of pipe End of the pipe
FMS Formation MicroScanner Logging tool
gpm Gallons per minute Circulation rate for fluids out the end of the drill pipe
GPS Global Positioning System Satellite navigation system
GUATB-03C Guatemala Basin site selected for drilling Now known as Site 1256
LGH Lower guide horn Guide that keeps the pipe from getting bent sharply at the base of the ship
mbrf Meters below rig floor Depth measured from the rig floor
mbsf Meters below seafloor Depth measured from the seafloor
PDR Precision depth recorder Instrument for estimating water depth
PFT Perfluorocarbon tracer Dye used for microbiological contamination tests
RCB Rotary core barrel Coring tool
ROP Rate of penetration Coring or drilling penetration rate
spm Strokes per minute Circulation rate for fluids out the end of the drill pipe; 1 spm ≅ 5 gpm
SSR Subsurface release Tool used for connecting to and releasing from casing
TDC Tapered drill collar Tapered heavy-walled tubular that is part of the BHA
UTC Universal Time Coordinated Time standard
VIT Vibration-isolated television Camera that is lowered along the drill string
WHC Wireline heave compensator Reduces motion of wireline tools by compensating for ship heave
WOB Weight on bit Weight at the bit
WOW Waiting on weather Operational delay caused by weather conditions
WOWh Waiting on whales Operational delay in using the seismic guns because whales were in the vicinity
XCB Extended core barrel Coring tool

Notes: WSTP = Water Sampling Temperature Probe, APCT = Advanced Piston Corer Temperature tool, FMS = Formation MicroScanner, RCB = Rotary Core Barrel, NDT = nondestructive testing, DC = drill collar, BHA = bottom-hole assembly, WST = Well Seismic Tool, UBI = Ultrasonic Borehole Imager.

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