
Table T1. Data processing sequence.

Stage Details
Preprocessing Localizing hydrophone streamer with AEL; assigning geometry to traces
Bandpass filter Frequency range of 80–250 Hz for fine structure or 30–140 Hz mainly for BSR
Deconvolution 200 ms filter length
10 ms gap length
10% white noise
Bandpass filter As above
Spatial linear signal detector Velocity filtering in Tau-p domain
Rho filter Restoring frequency spectrum
Velocity analysis Loop as required
Residual static correction
Optional AGC 100 ms window length
Migration Stolt migration for best sediment structure or FD migration for amplitude preservation
Optional AGC 100 ms window length

Notes: Canadian Oceanographical Acoustic Measurement System data from Cruise PGC9902. Alternative bandpass filters were applied dependent on target reflectors. For amplitude preservation, finite-difference (FD) migration was preferred over Stolt migration and automatic gain control (AGC) was not applied. AEL = array element localization, BSR = bottom-simulating reflector, NMO = normal moveout.

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