Figure F51. Composite of line scan images of Section 313-M0028A-80R-2 with petrophysical and downhole logging data. High-resolution normalized amplitude and traveltime acoustic images (ABI40 Ampl and ABI40 TT); hole diameter (AcCal); whole-core natural gamma radiation (NGR); and density, resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility (MagSus) from multisensor core logger (MSCL). Core depth and whole-core measurement have been shifted down by 4 cm to match wireline images. At 418.4, 418.8, and 419.13 m WSF, some changes in image amplitude signal (lower amplitude) mark the presence of normal graded storm sandy beds also visible in cores. These beds are also evidenced on the traveltime image and caliper by a decrease in borehole diameter, total gamma ray measured on core, and, locally, density and resistivity.
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