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Table T1. Depth interval summaries for new X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data, relevant expedition data (see the “Expedition 313 summary” chapter [Expedition 313 Scientists, 2010a]), and updated seismic reflection surface depths (Miller et al., 2013), Holes M0027A, M0028A, and M0029A.
XRF continuous core (new data, this report) CSF-A (m)
XRF core samples (new data, this report) CSF-A (m)
Petrophysical downhole data available through the analyzed interval
Petrophysical data on whole cores and samples of interest to this report
Depth of key seismic reflection surfaces in measured interval CSF-A (m)
Lithostratigraphic Unit II CSF-A (m)
Hole M0027A
174.84–236.53 m
Spectral gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, electrical conductivity, sonic velocity
Density, P-wave velocity, magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, NGR (whole cores)
m4.1: 209 (70X-2/71X-1)
(58H-1 to 83R-3)
(58H-1 to 83R-3)
Digital linescans, color reflectance (split core surface)
m4.5: 218.39 (75X-2)
(57H-2 to 83R-2)
63 m interval
62 m interval
Density, velocity (samples)
m5: 225.45 (80R-1)
m5.2: 236.15 (83R-2)
Hole M0028A
Spectral gamma ray
As above
m4.1: 244.16 (8R-2)
(2R-1 to 10R-1)
(2R-1 to 12R-1)
m4.5: 254.23 (12R-1)
(2R-1 to 49R-2)
26 m interval
30 m interval
Hole M0029A
342.61– 43.62
Spectral gamma ray (throughout), magnetic susceptibility, sonic velocity, conductivity (lower part, deeper than 400 m CSF-A)
As above
m4.1 343.81 (72R-1)
(66R-1 to 118R-1)
m4.2: 364.86 (79R-2)
(65R-2 to 175R-1)
1 m interval
153 m interval
m4.3: 377.15 (83R-2)
m4.4: 409.27 (94R-1)
m4.5: 478.61 (118R-1)
NGR = natural gamma radiation.
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