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Table T3. Curve fits to residual friction data, Site C0006 and C0007.

Experiment Hole, core, section Depth (mbsf) Power law Logarithmic
Coefficient A Exponent ω R2 Coefficient B Intercept C R2
P3321 C0007D-3R-3 192.35 0.52 –0.07 0.996 –0.07 0.51 0.995
P3325 C0006E-29X-2 213.12 0.68 –0.17 0.994 –0.17 0.63 0.999
P3324 C0006E-40X-8 322.80 0.60 –0.16 0.999 –0.15 0.57 1.000
P3354 C0006F-7R-1 448.10 0.77 –0.22 0.991 –0.23 0.70 0.978
P3355 C0006F-19R-1 561.65 0.28 –0.05 0.260 –0.03 0.28 0.252

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