IODP Proceedings, Volume 317 Site U1351, Table T10. Planktonic foraminiferal summary, Hole U1351A. Note: For New Zealand (NZ) stage abbreviations, see Figure F5 in the “Methods” chapter. Core, section Top depth CSF-A (m) Interpreted age NN zone NZ stage correlation NZ stage Age (Ma) Planktonic foraminifer (%) Oceanicity Key species and comments 317-U1351A- 1H-CC 2.56 Pleistocene Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 13 Inner neritic Globoconella inflata 2H-CC 11.44 Pleistocene Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 17 Outer neritic Globoconella inflata 3H-CC 18.15 Pleistocene NN21 Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 26 Outer neritic Globoconella inflata? 4H-CC 25.08 Pleistocene Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 29 Outer neritic Globoconella inflata? 5H-CC 27.50 Pleistocene Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWc 0–1.1 8 Inner neritic Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, cold-water assemblage 6H-CC 28.00 Pleistocene Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 24 Outer neritic Globoconella inflata