IODP Proceedings, Volume 317 Site U1352, Table T17. Invertebrate macrofossils. Notes: Dble. = double valved, Juv. = juvenile. S = sand, Z = silt, fS = fine sand, sZ = sandy silt, Sg = shell gravel, CF = clump fauna. CW = cold water. For New Zealand (NZ) stage abbreviations, see Figure F5 in the “Methods” chapter. Taxon Other Hole, core, section, interval (cm) Depth (mbsf) Sediment type Habitat Age (Ma) not > than Age (Ma)not < than NZ stage International timescale 317- Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-1H-1, 119 1.19 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-1H-1, 94 0.94 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352A-1H-1, 94 0.94 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352B-1H-1, 94 0.94 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352D-1H-1, 80 0.80 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Nemocardium (Pratulum) pulchellum (Gray) U1352B-1H-1, 119 1.19 Z Shelf, eurybathyal 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-1, 119 1.19 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-1, 128 1.28 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352D-1H-1, 70 0.70 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Lima zealandica Sowerby U1352A-1H-1, 58 0.58 S Inner to middle shelf 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Limatula maoria (Finlay) U1352B-1H-1, 52 0.52 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Diplodonta(Zemysina) globus (Finlay) Dble. U1352D-1H-1, 135 1.35 fS/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 19.0 0.0 Pl–R early Miocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352A-1H-1, 94 0.94 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352A-1H-1, 94 0.94 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352B-1H-1, 94 0.94 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352D-1H-1, 70 2.20 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Nemocardium (Pratulum) pulchellum (Gray) U1352A-1H-1, 46 0.52 Z Shelf, eurybathyal 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352B-1H-1, 127 1.27 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352D-1H-1, 135 1.35 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent (juv; alternatively, Waltonia inconspicua) Juv. U1352B-1H-1, 52 0.52 CF Shelf, eurybathyal Neothyris ovata (Hutton) U1352D-1H-1, 70 2.20 CF Shelf, eurybathyal Annelida-3 (agglutinated, coil-of-rope tube) U1352A-1H-1, 27 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal Annelida-3 (agglutinated, coil-of-rope tube) U1352D-1H-1, 70 2.20 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal Annelida-4 (spinose, coiled tube) U1352B-1H-1, 42 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal CHECK Neilo australis (Quoy and Gaimard) Dble. U1352B-1H-2, 126 2.76 Z Middle shelf to upper slope 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-2, 126 2.76 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-2, 137 2.87 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-1H-2, 50 2.00 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-1H-2, 90 2.40 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-1H-2, 101 2.51 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-1H-2, 87 2.37 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352D-1H-2, 70 2.20 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-1H-2, 35 1.85 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352D-1H-2, 85 2.35 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Aeneator cf. recens (Dell) U1352D-1H-2, 2 1.52 Z Upper slope, >150 m 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R early late Pliocene to recent Neothyris ovata (Hutton) U1352D-1H-2, 70 2.20 CF Shelf, eurybathyal Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-1H-3, 34 4.54 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Monia zelandicus (Gray) U1352B-1H-3, 140 4.38 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 6.5 0.0 Tk–R late Miocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-3, 34 3.29 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-3, 55 3.54 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Stiracolpus symmetricus (Hutton) U1352B-1H-3, 140 4.38 Z Shelf to upper slope 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-1H-3, 126 4.26 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-3, 1 3.01 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-3, 136 4.33 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Stiracolpus symmetricus (Hutton) U1352B-1H-3, 136 4.33 Z Shelf to upper slope 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-5, 125 7.22 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352B-1H-5, 63 6.62 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-5, 51 6.50 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-5, 86 6.83 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Neilo australis (Quoy and Gaimard) U1352B-1H-5, 100 7.00 Z Middle shelf to upper slope 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-1H-5, 128 7.24 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Stiracolpus symmetricus (Hutton) U1352B-1H-5, 23 6.22 Z Shelf to upper slope 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352B-1H-CC, 15 8.07 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-2H-1, 30 8.49 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352B-2H-1, 142 9.60 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-2H-1, 53 8.72 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352A-2H-1, 40 4.60 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Cardita aoteana (Finlay) U1352A-2H-1, 96 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352A-2H-1, 34 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-2H-1, 23 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Caryocorbula zelandica (Quoy and Gaimard) U1352A-2H-1, 40 4.60 Sg/Z Shelf; clump fauna 5.3 0.0 Wo–R Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-2H-2, 14 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352A-2H-2, 65 6.35 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-2H-2, 14 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Cominella (Eucominia) mirabilis (Powell) U1352A-2H-2, 76 6.46 Z Outer shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-2H-2, 8 9.78 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352A-2H-2, 70 6.40 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-2H-2, 8 9.78 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-2H-2, 57 5.57 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352A-2H-3, 67 7.87 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352A-2H-6, 95 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352A-3H-1, 130 15.00 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) Dble. U1352A-4H-5, 43 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352B-7H-1, 25 55.95 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys sp. Juv. U1352B-7H-2, 22 57.42 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-7H-2, 22 57.42 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352B-7H-2, 22 57.42 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352B-7H-CC, 44 64.89 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Aeneator sp. Juv. U1352D-8H-1, 114 61.64 Z Upper slope, >150 m Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-8H-1, 78 61.28 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Coluzea mariae (Powell) U1352D-8H-1, 119 61.69 Z 40–250 m mid-shelf to slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R late Pliocene to recent Annedlia-2 (large irregular tube, sutured one side) U1352D-8H-1, 103 61.53 Z Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352D-8H-2, 112 63.12 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Purpurocardia purpurata (Deshayes) U1352D-8H-2, 61 62.60 S/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-8H-2, 16 62.16 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Annedlia-2 (large irregular tube, sutured one side) U1352D-8H-2, 16 62.16 Z Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal Purpurocardia purpurata (Deshayes) U1352D-8H-3, 23 63.73 S/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R late Pliocene to recent Tawera cf. spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-8H-3, 23 63.73 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Chlamys (Zygochlamys) patagonica delicatula (Hutton) U1352D-8H-3, 59 64.09 Sg/Z CW; outer shelf to upper slope 3.6 0.0 Wwp–R early late Pliocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) U1352D-8H-3, 59 64.09 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Crepidula profunda (Hutton) U1352D-8H-3, 37 63.87 CF Shelf; clump fauna; eurybathyal 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Tawera spissa (Deshayes) Dble. U1352B-8H-6, 98 73.68 S/Z Shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Neothyris ovata (Hutton) U1352B-9H-2, 10 76.30 CF Shelf, eurybathyal Neothyris ovata (Hutton) U1352B-9H-2, 10 76.30 CF Shelf, eurybathyal Tanea zelandica (Quoy and Gaimard) U1352B-9H-7, 67 83.87 S/Z Inner shelf, usually <20 m 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Taniella planisuturalis (Marwick) U1352D-11H-2, 70 91.20 S/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 5.3 0.3 Wo–Wc early Pliocene to Pleistocene Amalda (Gracilispira) novaezelandiae (Sowerby) U1352B-11H-3, 91 97.61 Z Middle to outer shelf 5.3 0.0 Wo–R early Pliocene to recent Uberella sp. U1352B-11H-3, 107 97.77 Z Shelf, eurybathyal Goniocidaris umbraculum Hutton (spine) U1352B-13H-1, 78 113.48 Z Outer shelf to upper slope Taniella planisuturalis (Marwick) U1352B-13H-3, 117 116.85 S/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 5.3 0.3 Wo–Wc early Pliocene to Pleistocene Cominella (Eucominia) alertae (Dell) U1352D-13H-3, 32 111.32 Z Outer shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Uberella sp. U1352D-14H-3, 69 121.19 Z Shelf, eurybathyal Uberella sp. U1352B-17H-2, 5 152.25 Z Shelf, eurybathyal Flabellum rubrum (Tennison Woods) U1352B-18H-CC, 10 163.85 Z Shelf to upper slope Cominella (Eucominia) alertae (Dell) U1352B-28B-CC, 10 250.80 Z Outer shelf to upper slope 2.4 0.0 Wn–R late late Pliocene to recent Aeneator elegans (Suter) U1352B-32H-6, 55 280.12 sZ/Z Upper slope, >150 m 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R early late Pliocene to recent Aeneator elegans (Suter) U1352B-32H-5, 70 278.85 sZ/Z Upper slope, >150 m 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R early late Pliocene to recent Uberella sp. U1352B-32H-6, 91 280.48 Z Shelf, eurybathyal Teremelon knoxi (Dell) U1352B-32H-CC, 20 281.04 Z Upper slope 10.9 0.0 Tt–R late Miocene to recent Cancellariid U1352B-34H-1, 94 289.19 Z Shelf-slope Volvarinella sp. U1352B-40X-6, 59 329.99 Z Shelf-slope Taniella planisuturalis (Marwick) U1352B-45X-5, 23 376.23 S/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 5.3 0.3 Wo–Wc early Pliocene to Pleistocene Aeneator elegans (Suter) U1352B-47X-2, 125 391.95 sZ/Z Upper slope, >150 m 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R early late Pliocene to recent Aeneator elegans (Suter) Juv. U1352B-47X-2, 125 391.95 Z Upper slope, >150 m 3.0 0.0 Wwm–R early late Pliocene to recent Stiracolpus symmetricus (Hutton) U1352B-48X-3, 135 Z Shelf to upper slope 1.6 0.0 Wc–R Pleistocene to recent Taniella planisuturalis (Marwick) U1352B-50X-4, 93 423.23 S/Z Shelf, eurybathyal 5.3 0.3 Wo–Wc early Pliocene to Pleistocene Terebellina sp. U1352C-52R-2, 53 404.43 Z Slope