IODP Proceedings, Volume 317 Site U1353, Table T5. Planktonic foraminiferal summary, Hole U1353A. Note: ND = not determined. Core, section, interval (cm) Top depth CSF-A (m) Interpreted age NN zone NZ stage correlation NZ stage Age (Ma) Planktonic foraminifer (%) Oceanicity Key species and comments 317-U1353A- NN21 1H-1, 0 0.00 Holocene Haweran (Wq) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 4 Sheltered inner neritic Globoconella inflata 1H-CC 5.44 Wq–uWo 0–4.3 4 Globoconella inflata 2H-CC 9.18 Wq–uWo 0–4.3 5 Globoconella inflata; high-energy shallow inner shelf (inter-tidal) base of Holocene 12.94 m (from lithostratigraphy) 3H-CC 17.95 late Pleistocene 2 Shallow inner shelf 4H-CC 26.72 Wq–uWo 0–4.3 4 Globoconella inflata 5H-CC 34.08 NN20 Wq–uWc 0–1.1 7 Inner shelf Truncorotalia truncatulinoides, Globoconella inflata [abundant ostracods] 6H-CC 41.37 Castlecliffian (Wc) Wq–uWo 0–4.3 8 Globoconella inflata 7H-CC 48.33 15 ND 8H-CC 55.97 Wq–uWo 0–4.3 8 Globoconella inflata