Figure F5. A. Pressure as a function of depth in 12¼ inch riser hole (circles), measured by MDT tool during wireline logging Run 3. Pressures for riser drilling are referenced to rig floor (top of riser pipe, 28.3 m above sea level). B. Pressure versus depth in 12¼ inch riser hole as in A. MDT measurements indicate static mud column pressure = 1.13 g/cm3. C. Equivalent circulating density (ECD) as a function of depth in 12¼ inch riser hole. Open square = fracture pressure measured by LOT, solid square = fracture pressure measured by MDT, blue line = hydrostatic pressure (for comparison), red line = lithostatic pressure (for comparison), black lines = reference lines for static mud columns of 1.06, 1.08, 1.12, and 1.14 g/cm3, yellow line = intended mud weight of 1.10 g/cm3, gray shaded region = depth of upper 20 inch casing.
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