Figure F5. Photomicrographs of smear slides taken across the Eocene–Oligocene transition, Site U1333. Panels are arranged in stratigraphic order (increasing age top to bottom). See "Site U1333 smear slides" in "Core descriptions". A. Nannofossil ooze with radiolarians (and between 5% and 10% diatoms) (Sample 320-U1333B-13H-4, 114 cm). Left image = plane-polarized light, right image = cross-polarized light. B. Radiolarian ooze with clay (Sample 320-U1333C-14H-5, 85 cm). Left image = plane-polarized light, right image = cross-polarized light. C, D. Radiolarian nannofossil ooze (Sample 320-U1333B-13H-5, 2 cm) (plane-polarized light). Two fields of view. Note volcanic glass. E. Clayey radiolarian ooze with nannofossils (Sample 320-U1333C-16H-4, 23 cm). Left image = plane-polarized light, right image = cross-polarized light.
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