Figure F8. Representative photomicrographs from smear slides and thin section. A. Mineral assemblage within tuffaceous sandstone containing hypersthene, enstatite, amphibole, plagioclase, spinel, glass shards, and volcanic lithics (Sample 322-C0011B-5R-1, 22.5 cm). B. Mineral assemblage shown in A under crossed nicols. C. Large tubular pumice clast within tuffaceous sandstone (Sample 322-C0011B-3R-3, 30–32 cm). D. Dark brown blocky mafic glass shard (Sample 322-C0011B-4R-4, 95.5 cm). E. Diopside under cross-polarized light (Sample 322-C0011B-5R-4, 63 cm). F. Thin section showing diagenetically replaced benthic foraminifer Cibicioides sp. (Sample 322-C0011B-15R-4, 100–102 cm).
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