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Figure F57. H2 concentrations in sediment samples from Hole C0012A as a function of time from three replicable incubation experiments. A. Section 322-C0012A-7R-5. B. Section 322-C0012A-19R-2. C. Section 322-C0012A-22R-2. D. Section 322-C0012A-25R-2. E. Section 322-C0012A-29R-3. F. Section 322-C0012A-32R-2. G. Section 322-C0012A-35R-2. H. Section 322-C0012A-40R-4. I. Section 322-C0012A-45R-3. For information on samples and incubation temperature see Table T23. Note variable time of experiments.

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