Figure F40. Detail of the logs recorded between 280 and 400 m WMSF, illustrating the contradiction between the low-density log values between ~300 and 360 m WMSF—particularly between 307 and 322 m WMSF, where they are much lower than core measurements—and the apparently good contact between the Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde (HLDS) and the formation shown by the small HLDS caliper readings in this interval. The caliper logs measured during the main triple combination (triple combo) log (up) and the two Formation MicroScanner (FMS)-sonic passes show the evolution of borehole size during logging operations. The gamma ray attenuation (GRA) logs agree in this interval, except for one log recorded during the main triple combo log. See "Downhole measurements" for details. gAPI = American Petroleum Institute gamma ray units. TC = triple combination, MAD = moisture and density, IDPH = deep induction phasor-processed resistivity, IMPH = medium induction phasor-processed resistivity.
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