Figure F27. Photomicrographs of sulfides in basaltic rocks, Hole U1346A. A. Blocky pyrite (bright) and chalcopyrite (gold) in a vesicle filled with calcite. B. Blocky marcasite (multicolored, in partially polarized reflected light) and uniformly colored porous pyrite. C. Vesicle filling of blocky pyrite (golden) and irregularly shaped clays later cemented by calcite. D. Fine-grained pyrite in a vesicle. E. Two forms of pyrite, blocky and porous, in acicular crystalline matrix at the edge of a vesicle. F. Mainly porous sulfide interpenetrating acicular basalt next to a vesicle on the left. A–D. Thin Section 3 (Sample 324-U1346A-4R-1, 48–51 cm). E. Thin Section 6 (Sample 324-U1346A-4R-2, 23–26 cm). F. Thin Section 13 (Sample 324-U1346A-6R-1, 53–55 cm). All photomicrographs are under reflected light; C is under simultaneous transmitted light.
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