Figure F8. Photomicrographs of fossils observed in thin sections from bioclastic silty limestones of Unit IV. A. Large fragments of inoceramid bivalves, with other small shelly fragments and glauconite in a micritic matrix (Sample 324-U1346A-4R-2, 135–139 cm). Cross-polarized light. B. Echinoderm fragment (center) in brown micritic matrix (Sample 324-U1346A-4R-2, 135–139 cm). Plane-polarized light. C. Small gastropod shell (center), with other shelly fragments and glauconite clast (top left) (Sample 324-U1346A-5R-1, 57–61 cm). Cross-polarized light. D. Benthic foraminifer in a brown micritic matrix (Sample 324-U1346A-5R-1, 57–61 cm). Plane-polarized light.
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