Figure F21. Core section images of Sections (A) 324-U1347A-18R-5 (Unit X) and (B) 23R-3 (Unit XII), (C, D) thin section scans, and (E, F, G, H) photomicrographs of the glassy margins of pillow basalt, Hole U1347A. Chilled glassy rinds (yellow dashed lines) show a transition zone with increasing amounts of plagioclase and Fe-Ti oxide spherulites inward of the glassy margin. Thin section scan locations of C and D are indicated with red boxes in A and B. Red boxes in C and D indicate photomicrograph locations. Width of field of view in photomicrographs is 2.5 mm. E and G are under plane-polarized transmitted light; F and H are under crossed nicols. cpx = clinopyroxene, plag = plagioclase.
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