Figure F6. Thin section photomicrographs of radiolarians replaced by glauconite in stratigraphic Unit II, Hole U1347A (Core 324-U1347A-4R). Many delicate primary biogenic structures, such as chambers and occasionally spines, can be seen preserved by the secondary glauconite. Fine micritic matrix with secondary silica cement is visible surrounding the radiolarians. A. Conical radiolarians (Sample 324-U1347A-4R-1, 7–9 cm). Plane-polarized light. B. Spherical radiolarian (Sample 324-U1347A-4R-1, 7–9 cm). Cross-polarized light. C. Spherical radiolarians (Sample 324-U1347A-4R-1, 38–44 cm). Plane-polarized light. D. Intact and fractured spherical radiolarians (Sample 324-U1347A-4R-1, 38–44 cm). Plane-polarized light.
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