Figure F37. Core photograph and thin section photomicrographs detailing textural variations across a basalt clast, probably a pillow fragment (Thin Section 163; Sample 324-U1348A-15R-5, 55–59 cm), Hole U1348A. A. Clast embedded in breccia (interval 324-U1348A-14R-3, 57–60 cm). B. Oxidized spherulitic texture at the edge of the clast. Vesicles are lined with orange clays and (at left) calcite. C. Sheaf spherulitic texture and acicular plagioclase microlites. D. Radiating acicular plagioclase spherulites and microlites ~1 cm from original edge of clast, the farthest limit into the clast provided by the thin section. B–D are transmitted light. Note: photomicrographs of B–D show example of photomicrographic variation from edge to inner parts of a basaltic clast. The clasts of A–C were cored from different intervals.
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