Figure F24. Photomicrographs of portions of scans of thin sections in Unit IV with ophimottled texture, Hole U1349A. A–C. Thin Section 218 (Sample 324-U1349A-9R-3, 3–9 cm). D, E. Thin Section 219 (Sample 324-U1349A-10R-2, 10–12 cm). Sectors of tabular white plagioclase are intergrown ophitically with pale green clinopyroxene and set off by a finer grained groundmass containing abundant specks of hematite (reddish brown). Intergrowths are coarser in D than in A. In A, a semicircular domain with less groundmass hematite is set off by the yellow clays replacing former intersertal glassy regions of the thin section. An altered olivine containing spinel is at the lower right.
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