Figure F15. Examples of pillow lavas, Hole U1350A. A. Lithologic column. Red dashed lines = upper and lower bounds of sections. B. Core images of Sections 324-U1350A-22R-2 through 22R-5. Yellow boxes = locations of close up of C thin section. C, D. Thin section photomicrographs of aphyric pillow basalt in Subunit IIc (Thin section 307; Sample 324-U1350A-22R-5, 81–87 cm) with small spherical vesicles in the upper parts of pillows, characteristic jointing patterns, tube- and drop-shape vesicles and plagioclase glomerocrysts. E. Thin section photomicrograph of aphyric pillow basalt (Thin Section 306; Sample 324-U1350A-22R-3, 117–119 cm). Plane-polarized transmitted light. Length of view of C is 54.5 mm; length of view of D is 9.8 mm; length of view of E is 6 mm.
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