Figure F2. X-ray diffraction oriented patterns of the <2 µm fraction of two decarbonated basaltic samples, Sites U1346 and U1349. AD = air-dried condition, EG = saturated with ethylene glycol, H = heated at 550°C for 2 h. A. Peaks at 17, 15, and 10 Å on the EG, AD, and H spectra, respectively, indicate smectites. The peak at 10 Å on the H spectrum cannot indicate illite occurrence because of the lack of peaks in the AD and EG spectra. B. Peaks indicate kaolinite (peaks at 7 Å on the AD and EG spectra and no peak on the H spectrum), smectites, and chlorite or an interstratified smectite-chlorite. Peaks between 14 and 15 Å on the AD spectrum indicate an interstratified smectite-chlorite, whereas peaks at 14 and 10 Å on the H spectrum indicate chlorite and smectites, respectively. Peaks at ~4.8 Å (18.5°2θ) are replicates.
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