Figure F44. Selected Ultrasonic Borehole Imager (UBI) ultrasonic images from Hole U1362A. The images are displayed as unwrapped cylinders oriented to the north. Amplitude data show the amplitude of the reflected ultrasonic waveforms, whereas radius data were converted from the ultrasonic pulses’ transit times. The corrected radius image virtually centers the UBI sonde within the borehole; it is apparent from the uncorrected radius image that the sound was eccentered through this interval. Dynamic normalization uses a color range for each depth interval based on maximum and minimum image values within a sliding 2 m window; static normalization establishes a range based on maximum and minimum image values over the entire imaged interval. A. Example of smeared interval with both vertical and rotational smearing. B. Example of apparently truncated image section. C. High-angle crosscutting feature (visible as a sinusoid) that may indicate transition from a pillow basalt interval to an underlying sheet flow.
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