Figure F2. Schematic of original-style CORK, highlighting fluid-sampling port, valve, and CORK plug, which is typically a data logger that monitors pressure and temperature within the formation. Fluids are obtained through a modified Aeroquip fitting (see HANDLE in CORK in “Supplementary material”). The remotely operated vehicle (ROV) platform is patterned with holes large enough to sometimes lose instruments through. Inset: Photograph of OsmoSampler deployment during Leg 168. Pictured are Earl Davis, Keir Becker, Geoff Wheat, and Bill Rhinehart (Photo credit: Roy Davis). Several OsmoSampler packages are combined, sometimes exceeding 30 m in length (see OSMO in CORK in “Supplementary material”). For video highlights of a downhole instrument string deployment during Expedition 327, see
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