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Figure F11. X-ray diffractograms from selected Site U1368 sediment. A. Sample from Subunit IA, pretreated with acetic acid but still dominated by the XRD pattern representative of calcite. Smectite clay forms peaks between 5° and 7°2θ. B. Two examples of XRD patterns from clay-rich sediment near the bottom of Hole U1368B. The pattern from the middle of Unit II (red) and upper part of Unit III (black) illustrate calcite (C), hematite (H), and montmorillonite and vermiculite (MV) content. The pattern from Unit III includes the annotated peak of a mineral identified as calciohelairite (Ch) by XRD pattern matching software. C. Differing coarse-sediment XRD mineralogy at Site U1368 from the upper (black) and middle (green) sand intervals of Unit III. Note especially the presence/absence of chlorite (Cl) in the two samples. Other labeled peaks represent albite-anorthite (Al/An), augite (Aug), and titanomagnetite (TM).

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