Plate P13. Light microscope images of resting spores of Chaetoceros, Hole U1371D. Scale bars = 10 µm. (right: figs. 3–16, 19, 20; left: figs. 1, 2, 17, 18, 21, 22). 1, 2. Syndendrium altantemna Suto (Sample 329-U1371D-6H-3W, 81–82 cm). 3, 4. Syndendrium diadema Ehrenberg (Sample 1H-1W, 66–67 cm). 5–10. Truncatulus tortonicus (Hajós) Suto; (5, 6) Sample 5H-2W, 112–113 cm; (7, 8) Sample 4H-1W, 106–107 cm; (9, 10) Sample 8H-3W, 82–83 cm. 11, 12. Vallodiscus chinchae (Mereschkowski) Suto (Sample 8H-4W, 82–83 cm). 13–16. Vallodiscus complexus Suto; (13, 14) Sample 3H-2W, 112–113 cm; (15, 16) Sample 11H-4W, 17–18 cm. 17, 18. Xanthioisthmus biscoctiformis (Forti) Suto (Sample 10H-3W, 80–81 cm). 19, 20. Xanthioisthmus maculata (Hanna) Suto (Sample 8H-3W, 82–83 cm). 21, 22. Xanthioisthmus sp. A (Sample 3H-6W, 112–113 cm).
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