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Table T3. Expedition 330 drilling operations.

U1372A U1373A U1374A U1375A U1375B U1376A U1377A U1377B
Latitude 26°29.6017′S 28°33.8907′S 28°35.7513′S 33°41.9020′S 33°41.7860′S 32°13.0429′S 38°10.9808′S 38°11.2500′S
Longitude 174°43.7506′W 173°16.8499′W 173°22.8294′W 171°26.9395′W 171°27.0753′W 171°52.8396′W 168°38.2620′W 168°38.2587′W
Water depth (mbsl) 1957.6 1447.0 1559.0 1258.0 1258.0 1503.3 1250.8 1250.8
Hole total depth (mbsf) 232.9 65.7 522.0 11.5 8.5 182.8 53.3 37.0
Time on hole (h) 227.00 115.75 435.25 19.00 15.25 191.00 12.50 57.50
Number of cores 38 13 73 2 1 23 6 5
Cored interval (m) 232.9 65.7 522.0 11.5 8.5 182.8 53.3 37.0
Recovered core (m) 139.7 47.2 457.9 1.5 0.6 136.2 8.8 14.5
Average recovery (%) 60.0 71.9 87.8 13.0 6.7 74.5 16.4 39.1
Igneous basement depth (mbsf) 45.6 33.9 16.7 NA NA 41.9 15.1 9.1
Igneous basement cored (m) 187.3 31.8 505.3 NA NA 140.9 38.2 27.9
Average basement recovery (%) 55.8 90.6 88.0 NA NA 75.6 28.1 48.0
Average basement penetration rate (m/h) 2.2 0.9 2.5 NA NA 1.8 2.3 1.8

NA = not applicable.

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