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Table T1. Coring summary, Site U1373.

Hole U1373A
Latitude: 28°33.8907′S
Longitude: 173°16.8499′W
Water depth (m): 1447.0
Date started (UTC): 0430 h, 31 December 2010
Date finished (UTC): 2315 h, 4 January 2011
Time on hole (days): 4.8
Seafloor depth DRF (m): 1458.0
Seafloor depth estimation method: Tag
Rig floor to sea level (m): 11.0
Penetration DSF (m): 65.7
Cored interval (m): 65.7
Recovered length (m): 47.22
Recovery (%): 72
Drilled interval (m): NA
Number of drilled interval: 0
Total number of cores: 13
Number of APC cores: 0
Number of XCB cores: 0
Number of RCB cores: 13
Number of other cores: 0
UTC (h)
  Depth drilled (m DSF)
  Depth cored (m CSF)
1R 1 Jan 0710 0.0 9.6 9.6 2.86 3.05 0.0 3.1 30
2R 1 Jan 1330 9.6 14.1 4.5 5.14 5.25 9.6 14.6 114
3R 1 Jan 1725 14.1 18.6 4.5 3.88 3.98 14.1 18.1 86
4R 1 Jan 1850 18.6 23.8 5.2 1.13 1.24 18.6 19.8 22
5R 2 Jan 0205 23.8 28.0 4.2 2.54 2.99 23.8 26.8 60
6R 2 Jan 0730 28.0 32.7 4.7 1.76 2.17 28.0 30.2 37
7R 2 Jan 1305 32.7 37.4 4.7 5.20 5.69 32.7 38.4 111
8R 2 Jan 1515 37.4 42.1 4.7 4.87 4.98 37.4 42.4 104
9R 2 Jan 1810 42.1 46.5 4.4 3.26 3.47 42.1 45.6 74
10R 3 Jan 0205 46.5 51.3 4.8 5.19 5.63 46.5 52.1 108
11R 3 Jan 0830 51.3 56.0 4.7 4.09 4.50 51.3 55.8 87
12R 3 Jan 1705 56.0 60.7 4.7 2.89 3.37 56.0 59.4 61
13R 4 Jan 0240 60.7 65.7 5.0 4.41 5.47 60.7 66.2 88
Hole U1373A totals:
65.7 47.22 51.80      

NA = not applicable. UTC = universal time coordinated. DRF = drilling depth below rig floor, DSF = drilling depth below seafloor, CSF = core depth below seafloor. APC = advanced piston corer (core type H), XCB = extended core barrel (core type X), RCB = rotary core barrel (core type R).

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