Figure F5. Close-up photographs of representative lithologies and lithofacies, Site U1374. A. Sandy foraminiferal ooze in Unit I (interval 330-U1374A-1R-5A, 10–50 cm) deposited in a pelagic environment and corresponding to youngest sedimentary cover sampled on Rigil Guyot. B. Multicolor volcanic sandstone in Subunit IIA (interval 330-U1374A-2R-2A, 89.3–129.3 cm), interpreted as air fall volcanic products emplaced in a submarine environment with limited postdepositional reworking. C. Multicolor volcanic sandstone in Subunit IIB (interval 330-U1374A-2R-4A, 16.1–34.6 cm) with (1) burrow and (2) gastropods, interpreted as subaerial to shallow-marine volcanic products deposited or reworked in a shallow-marine to hemipelagic environment. D. Multicolor volcanic sandstone in Subunit IIC (interval 330-U1374A-3R-1A, 0.3–27.3 cm); inset shows larger molluscan fragments with (1) bivalve, (2) gastropod, and (3) ammonite, interpreted as subaerial to shallow-marine volcanic product deposited or reworked in a shallow-marine to hemipelagic environment. (Continued on next three pages.)
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