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Table T6. Distribution of macro- and microfossils observed in thin sections, Hole U1374A.

Core, section
interval (cm)
Zone Age Globotruncanella sp. Globotruncanita conica Globotruncanita stuarti Radotruncana calcarata Benthic foraminifers Macrofossils Planktonic foraminifers
2R-1W, 35–38 9.95 9.98 IIA ND Unidentified         B B B
2R-2W, 106–109 11.78 11.81 IIA ND Unidentified         B B B
2R-3W, 70–73 12.78 12.81 IIB ND Unidentified         B B B
2R-4W, 10–13 13.53 13.56 IIC ND Unidentified         B B B
2R-4W, 27–32 13.70 13.75 IIB G. gansseriA. mayaroensis late Campanian–Maastrichtian   P P   P P P
2R-4W, 88–91 14.31 14.34 IIC ND Unidentified         B P B
3R-1W, 70–72 15.10 15.12 IID Radotruncana calcarata late Campanian P     P P P P
3R-2W, 65–68 16.48 16.51 IIE ND Unidentified         B P B
6R-1W, 32–35 29.72 29.75 V ND Unidentified         P P B
7R-4W, 26–30 38.50 38.54 VIIA ND Unidentified         B P B
7R-5W, 14–18 39.70 39.74 VIIB ND Unidentified         B B B
8R-1W, 53–57 39.53 39.57 VIIB ND Unidentified         B B B
8R-2W, 111–115 41.06 41.10 VIIB ND Unidentified         B B B
8R-3W, 19–22 41.51 41.54 VIIC ND Unidentified         B P B
13R-1W, 50–53 68.50 68.53 IXA ND Unidentified         B B B
14R-1W, 8–10 72.88 72.90 IXA ND Unidentified         B B B
14R-1W, 57–60 73.37 73.40 IXA ND Unidentified         B B B
14R-3W, 59–63 75.67 75.80 IXB ND Unidentified         B B B
17R-1W, 9–12 87.29 87.32 X ND Unidentified         P P B
17R-3W, 78–81 90.56 90.59 X ND Unidentified         B P B
19R-1W, 50–53 97.30 97.33 X ND Unidentified         P P B
21R-3W, 80–84 110.07 110.11 XIB ND Unidentified         B P B
21R-4W, 76–80 111.34 111.38 XIB ND Unidentified         P P P
22R-1W, 2–6 111.22 111.26 XIB ND Unidentified         P P P
22R-2W, 1–5 112.47 112.51 XIB ND Unidentified         P P B
22R-3W, 21–25 114.10 114.14 XIB ND Unidentified         B P B
31R-5W, 28–32 168.87 169.01 XIII ND Unidentified         B B B
43R-6W, 33–36 257.00 257.03 XIV ND Unidentified         P P P
43R-6W, 70–74 257.37 257.41 XIV ND Unidentified         P P P
44R-3W, 18–20 262.03 262.05 XIV ND Unidentified         B P B
47R-3W, 26–30 290.53 290.57 XVI ND Unidentified         P P P

ND = not defined. Abundance: P = present (number of individuals was not counted), B = barren.

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