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Table T8. Moisture and density and compressional wave velocity measurements, Site U1377.

Core, section, interval (cm)
Top depth (mbsf)
Density (g/cm3)
Void ratio
Water content (%)
Porosity (%)
Velocity (km/s)
3R-1 44–46 15.54 2.191 1.852 2.770 0.496 15.50 33.16 3.175 3.257 3.217 3.217
4R-1 60–62 25.10 2.434 2.204 2.844 0.291 9.47 22.52 3.678 3.601 3.718 3.666
5R-1 70–72 34.80 2.491 2.244 2.958 0.319 9.93 24.16 3.798 3.649 3.724 3.724
5R-2 94–96 36.53 2.528 2.338 2.871 0.228 7.53 18.58 4.387 4.381 4.388 4.385
6R-1 49–51 44.19 2.507 2.335 2.804 0.201 6.83 16.71 4.310 4.295 4.319 4.308
6R-2 79–81 45.85 2.437 2.170 2.936 0.353 10.95 26.07 3.881 3.941 3.896 3.906
2R-3 99–101 12.79 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.748 4.718 4.637 4.701
4R-1 74–76 18.84 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.252 3.165 3.198 3.205
4R-2 70–72 20.04 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.628 4.791 4.718 4.712
4R-4 91–93 22.39 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.141 4.179 4.149 4.156
4R-6 0–2 24.34 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4.462 4.455 4.458 4.458
5R-2 25–27 29.24 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.539 3.532 3.540 3.537
5R-3 56–58 30.87 NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.617 3.610 3.631 3.619

Water content is relative to wet mass. Values of compressional wave velocity are accurate to ±20 m/s. Moisture and density measurements for Hole U1377B are not available because of time constraints at the end of the expedition (denoted not applicable [NA]).

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