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Table T1. Coring summary, Site C0014.

Site C0014
Time on site (h): 98
Hole C0014A
Latitude: 27°47.4296′N
Longitude: 126°54.0544′E
Time on hole (h): 3.5 (1200 h, 16 September–1530 h, 16 September)
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1088
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1059.5
Total depth (m DRF): 1094.5
Total penetration (mbsf): 6.5
Total length of cored section (m): 6.5
Total core recovered (m): 5.32
Core recovery (%): 81.8
Total number of cores: 1
Hole C0014B
Latitude: 27°47.4296′N
Longitude: 126°54.0544′E
Time on hole (h): 9 (2146 h, 16 September–0657 h, September 17)
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1087.5
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1059
Total depth (m DRF): 1132
Total penetration (mbsf): 44.5
Total length of cored section (m): 44.5
Total core recovered (m): 45.01
Core recovery (%): 101.1
Total number of cores: 5
Hole C0014C
Latitude: 27°47.4296′N
Longitude 126°54.0544′E
Time on hole (h): 0.5 (1343 h, 17 September–1412 h, 17 September
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1088.5
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1060
Total depth (m DRF): 1095
Total penetration (mbsf): 6.5
Total length of cored section (m): 6.5
Total core recovered (m): 4.9
Core recovery (%): 75.4
Total number of cores: 1
Hole C0014D
Latitude: 27°47.4296′N
Longitude: 126°54.0544′E
Time on hole (h): 6.5 (1706 h, 17 September–2333 h, 17 September)
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1088.5
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1060
Total depth (m DRF): 1104.5
Total penetration (mbsf): 16
Total length of cored section (m): 16
Total core recovered (m): 12.5
Core recovery (%): 79.2
Total number of cores: 2
Hole C0014E
Latitude: 27°47.4158′N
Longitude: 126°54.0406′E
Time on hole (h): 5 (0119 h, 18 September–0620 h, 18 September)
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1088.5
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1060
Total depth (m DRF): 1107.5
Total penetration (mbsf): 35
Total length of cored section (m): 19
Total core recovered (m): 15.3
Core recovery (%): 80.53
Total number of cores: 2
Hole C0014F
Latitude: 27°47.4185′N
Longitude: 126°54.0443′E
Time on hole (h): 0.5 (2357 h, 20 September–0038 h, 21 September)
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1089.3
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1060.8
Total depth (m DRF): 1093.5
Total penetration (mbsf): 4.2
Total length of cored section (m): 4.2
Total core recovered (m): 4.2
Core recovery (%): 100
Total number of cores: 1
Hole C0014G
Latitude: 27°47.4165′N
Longitude 126°54.0463′E
Time on hole (h): 73 (0227 h, September 21–0340 h, September 24)
Seafloor depth (m DRF): 1088.3
Distance between rig floor and sea level (m): 28.5
Water depth (mbsl): 1059.8
Total depth (m DRF): 1225
Total penetration (mbsf): 136.7
Total length of cored section (m): 136.7
Total core recovered (m): 74.36
Core recovery (%): 56.1
Total number of cores: 30
Core Date
time (h)
Depth DRF (m) Depth (mbsf) Advanced
Top Bottom Top Bottom
1H 16 Sep 1528 1088 1094.5 0 6.5 6.4 5.52 81.8
1H 16 Sep 2146 1087.5 1094 0 65 6.5 6.91 106.3
2H 16 Sep 2340 1094 1103.5 6.5 16 9.5 10 105.3
3H 17 Sep 0138 1103.5 1113 16 25.5 9.5 8.5 89.5
4H 17 Sep 0404 1113 1122.5 25.5 35 9.5 10 105.3
5H 17 Sep 0610 1122.5 1132 35 44.5 9.5 9.6 101.1
1H 17 Sep 1343 1088.5 1095 0 6.5 6.5 4.9 75.4
1H 17 Sep 1706 1088.5 1095 0 6.5 6.5 5.5 84.6
2H 17 Sep 2201 1095 1104.5 6.5 16 9.5 7 73.7
1H 18 Sep 0119 1088.5 1098 16 25.5 9.5 7.5 78.9
2H 18 Sep 0620 1098 1107.5 25.5 35 9.5 7.8 82.1
1H 20 Sep 2357 1089.3 1093.5 0 4.2 4.2 4.2 100
1H 21 Sep 0227 1088.3 1097.5 0 9.2 9.2 9.2 100
2H 21 Sep 0357 1097.5 1107 9.2 18.7 9.5 9.4 98.9
3H 21 Sep 0638 1107 1116.5 18.7 28.2 9.5 7.4 77.9
4H 21 Sep 0823 1116.5 1126 28.2 37.7 9.5 9.4 98.9
5H 21 Sep 0945 1126 1135.5 37.7 47.2 9.5 2.4 25.3
6H 21 Sep 1149 1135.5 1138.5 47.2 50.2 3 2.6 88.7
7X 21 Sep 1510 1138.5 1141.5 50.2 53.2 3 0.21 7
8H 21 Sep 1941 1141.5 1142.5 53.2 54.2 1 0.8 80
9X 21 Sep 2230 1142.5 1147 54.2 58.7 4.5 3 66.7
10H 22 Sep 0116 1147 1148 58.7 59.7 1 1 100
11X 22 Sep 0302 1148 1152.5 59.7 64.2 4.5 0.5 11.1
12H 22 Sep 0516 1152.5 1155 64.2 66.7 2.5 2.2 88
13T 22 Sep 0745 1155 1159.5 66.7 71.2 4.5 3.5 77.8
14T 22 Sep 1002 1159.5 1164 71.2 75.7 4.5 2.8 62.2
15T 22 Sep 1241 1164 1164.2 75.7 75.9 0.2 0.2 100
16T 22 Sep 1430 1164.2 1168.5 75.9 80.2 4.3 2.2 51.2
17T 22 Sep 1702 1168.5 1173 80.2 84.7 4.5 3.5 77.8
18T 22 Sep 1954 1173 1177.5 84.7 89.2 4.5 3.6 80
19T 22 Sep 2131 1177.5 1182 89.2 93.7 4.5 0.45 10
20T 22 Sep 2312 1182 1186.5 93.7 98.2 4.5 1 22.2
21T 23 Sep 0207 1186.5 1188.5 98.2 100.2 2 2 100
22X 23 Sep 0415 1188.5 1193 100.2 104.7 4.5 0.45 10
23X 23 Sep 0640 1193 1197.5 104.7 109.2 4.5 0.95 21.1
24T 23 Sep 0823 1197.5 1202 109.2 113.7 4.5 4.2 93.3
25T 23 Sep 1138 1202 1206.5 113.7 118.2 4.5 0.85 18.9
26T 23 Sep 1417 1206.5 1211 118.2 122.7 4.5 0.05 1.1
27T 23 Sep 1820 1211 1215.5 122.7 127.2 4.5 0 0
28H 23 Sep 2159 1215.5 1215.5 127.2 127.2 0 0 0
29H 24 Sep 0035 1215.5 1215.5 127.2 127.2 0 0 0
30X 24 Sep 0254 1215.5 1225 127.2 136.7 9.5 0.5 5.3

DRF = drilling depth below rig floor. H = HPCS, X = ESCS, T = EPCS.

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